We Polled Our Twitter Followers During the Democratic Debates. Here's What They Think About Healthcare, Student Debt and More

The first Democratic debate had Twitter ablaze on Wednesday and Thursday nights. Ten candidates debated on the first night, with the other 10 debating on night two. AllSides live tweeted the event, and conducted a number of polls to see how our followers felt about some key issues. Let’s...
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Story of the Week: As Tensions Escalate With Iran, Opinions Diverge on Intervention

President Donald Trump announced on Twitter that he called off a military strike against Iran, which was planned in response to reports that the country shot down an unmanned U.S. drone. The strike would have killed an estimated 150 people, a result Trump said was "not proportionate" to...
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American Airlines CEO Sounds Warning About Political Polarization and Technology That Divides Us

“Polarization stifles healthy debate, free thinking and compromise, and replaces them with rhetoric, groupthinking, and anger.” Doug Parker, chairman and CEO of American Airlines, recently gave the graduation keynote speech for Southern Methodist University’s class of 2019 — and his...
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Audit Finds Evidence of Google's Bias Toward These Media Outlets

A new audit shows Google is biased toward a small number of major media outlets — and most of them have a Left-leaning political bias. One-sided information isn’t healthy for democracy, yet the world's most popular source of news and information displays a major bias. Back in October,...
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Story of the Week: Mueller Speaks Out About Russia Investigation

Special Counsel Robert Mueller held a press conference on Wednesday in which he urged Americans to read his report and said it was "not an option" to charge President Trump with a crime under Department of Justice regulations that bar the indictment of a sitting president. Both sides...
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The Imprisonment of Marsha Lazareva

Those working for the release of Marsha Lazareva were hoping for some relief last Sunday. But the hearing, which had been scheduled for the week before but was abandoned , brought only confusion for the family, friends and advocates of the businesswoman imprisoned in Kuwait for over a...
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Story of the Week: Attorney General Barr Testifies Before Senate Judiciary Committee

Attorney General William Barr testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, engaging in several tense exchanges with Democratic senators who accused him of obscuring special counsel Robert Mueller's findings and covering for President Trump. Some harshly criticized...
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Easter Worshippers or Christians? Obama, Clinton and Other Democrats Accused of Bias

In the aftermath of the horrific Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka that killed 321 Christians and others who were observing the holiday and wounded 500 others, some commentators and media figures criticized statements from prominent Democrats as being biased (subconsciously or not)...
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