The Subtleties of Media Bias

As we discussed in a recent blog post , everything we read is biased, as all individuals are consciously and subconsciously influenced by their own unique life experiences. Therefore, readers shouldn’t solely seek out unbiased sources, but rather deliberately consult multiple angles. But...
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Media Bias: Is it a Crime?

According to some, America is facing a new terrorist threat: the media. “CNN IS ISIS,” the sign reads. It’s a stunning accusation — particularly when considering that the media are expected to be a stronghold in American society, charged with holding government accountable. Is the nation’...
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Breitbart: Right-wing Publication or Fake News?

Fake news. Propaganda. Alt-right. Breitbart. Which of these doesn’t belong? Some would say they’re all fair game. In many circles, the conservative news outlet epitomizes malicious misinformation. Others revere it as a crusader for truth, willing to throw political correctness away with...
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Lawsuit against Trump raises question: Is the president's Twitter account a public platform?

Last month, we wrote about Twitter's new tools that help users censor their feeds, thus cementing partisan filter bubbles . This month, a lawsuit against President Trump takes that debate to the next level. The Knight First Amendment Institute , a free speech advocacy organization, is...
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