NPR Media Bias Update

Thanks to your feedback, we recently updated several media bias ratings , and first on the list is NPR (reminder: we only rate the articles found on the web, not the broadcast radio programs). Up until now, the AllSides NPR media bias rating has been Center, but data collected in recent...
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Resignations, Elections and Time Magazine: Sexual Harassment in the News

It's been another full week of sexual harassment being in the news. Today Sen. Al Franken (D) announced that he was resigning and yesterday Rep. John Conyers (D) retired from his seat early. Neither have official replacements yet. The upcoming Senate election in Alabama between Trump-...
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Give Media Literacy on this #GivingTuesday

Donate Now! Revitalize democracy! Support media literacy and civil discourse. Democracy requires its citizens to be informed, and to have free open conversations across divides. AllSides for Schools helps students navigate the increasingly biased, misleading and confusing media landscape...
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How do I have a non-partisan Thanksgiving?

Happy Thanksgiving from the whole team at AllSides! As much as we all enjoy the delicious food, w e know that Thanksgiving is a time when you might see relatives that you haven't seen in a while. As everyone is sitting around the table, the conversation might turn to politics, and often,...
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Popping Filter Bubbles in Higher Education

Editor's Note: At AllSides, we have several educational programs that expose students to different ideas because we view diversity of thought as an integral part of the educational experience. This blog post explores the pros and cons of the current higher ed system and how, overall,...
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Media for the Common Good: Part Two

Editor’s Note: In Part One of this series, we discussed the positive impact that journalism can have when it tells stories that bring people together. While AllSides works to improve journalism by revealing media bias and providing balanced news (some would call it unbiased news, but...
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Media for the Common Good: Part One

Editor’s Note: At AllSides, we generally focus on media bias and how to break through it by providing more balanced news using multiple perspectives to get a better, broader understanding of the topic. But there is much more to journalism than that. This guest article provides a glimpse...
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