Headline RoundupSeptember 10th, 2022

As Midterms Near, Parties Craft Dueling Narratives For Election Season

Summary from the AllSides News Team

2022 Election Day is growing closer, and what was once expected to be an overwhelming victory for the Republican Party now appears to be a more even matchup. As party leaders continue to push dueling national narratives, media speculators are working hard to determine not only who voters will cast ballots for, but for which issues they will journey to the polls.

The Democratic Party, which media outlets portrayed as dead on arrival in the spring, has found new life and momentum after a turbulent summer marked by the overturning of Roe V. Wade, a revitalized White House, and increasingly fierce rhetoric towards Trump-loyal members of the GOP. Democratic candidates are working to frame November’s elections around two key issues – the preservation of democracy and the protection of civil rights, specifically abortion. The Republicans, who have history on their side as the party opposing the White House in the midterm elections, are focusing on another issue that often decides elections – the economy. A taxing summer marked by high gas prices and inflation has given Republicans plenty of ammunition to lambaste majority Democrats.

The issues pressed by each party are evident in the respective media coverage. Breitbart (Right Bias) has a tag on their site homepage titled “Biden Recession.” Coverage on the left has focused on the impact women will have in the midterms, with a guest writer for the New York Times Opinion (Left Bias) predicting Democrats could “buck historic trends” this election season thanks to increased women turnout. 

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