The Daily Caller

AllSides Media Bias Rating™: Right
The bias meter value for The Daily Caller is 3.80. -6 is the furthest "Left" value and 6 is the furthest "Right" value.
Right What does this mean?

How we determined this rating:

  • Independent Review
  • Editorial Review: Feb 2021, Jan 2018
  • Community Feedback:   ratings
  • Blind Survey: Feb 2024, Jul 2021
  • AllSides has high confidence in this bias rating.

Unless otherwise noted, this bias rating refers only to online news coverage, not TV, print, or radio content.

Learn about our bias rating methods
The Daily Caller
The Daily Caller
Bias Rating Right
Type News Media
Region National
Owner The Daily Caller, Inc.
Established 2010
Twitter @DailyCaller
Facebook DailyCaller
Wikipedia The Daily Caller
What a Right Bias Rating Means

The source displays media bias in ways that strongly align with conservative, traditional, or right-wing thought and/or policy agendas. A Right rating is our most conservative rating on the political spectrum.

Learn more about Right ratings
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Possible Paywall
Some content from this source may be limited or behind a paywall.

About The Daily Caller's Bias Rating

The Daily Caller is featured on the AllSides Media Bias Chart™.

The Daily Caller is a news media source with an AllSides Media Bias Rating™ of Right.

It is typically associated with the conservative side of the political spectrum.

What a "Right" Rating Means

Sources with an AllSides Media Bias Rating of Right display media bias in ways that strongly align with conservative, traditional, or right-wing thought and/or policy agendas. A Right bias is the most conservative rating on the political spectrum.

Learn more about Right ratings

Bias Reviews

We use multiple methods to analyze sources. Learn how we rate media bias.

The Daily Caller Rated Right in Feb. 2024 BBS

The Daily Caller’s AllSides Media Bias Rating™ was confirmed as Right in our Feb. 2024 Blind Bias Survey. 

Respondents across the political spectrum all rated the Daily Caller as Right on average, confirming AllSides’ existing bias rating for The Daily Caller. 

A total of 820 people across the political spectrum took the survey including 100 respondents with a self-reported Left bias; 208 with a Lean Left bias; 235 with a Center bias; 222 with a Lean Right bias, and 55 with a Right bias.

Daily Caller Retains Right Rating Following August 2021 Editorial Review

AllSides conducted a Small Group Editorial Review of The Daily Caller's bias on August 12, 2021. Editors on the left, center and right assessed The Daily Caller's bias. The Editorial Review was conducted after the results of our July 2021 Blind Bias Survey returned a Lean Right rating for DC's bias, which differed from our rating of Right. We opted to keep The Daily Caller's AllSides Media Bias Rating™ as Right.

A Blind Bias Survey has limitations and only shows respondents a small snapshot of an outlet's content in time. An Editorial Review allows us to review content from the last 6 months.

The team noted a consistent right-wing story choice, as well as a lot of sensationalism in The Daily Caller's headlines, with the outlet choosing sensationalist or outrageous quotes to highlight; it also seemed to have a bent toward clikbait in both political and non-political stories. We noted that the Daily Caller's reporting is sound, featuring lots of original sourcing and reporting, as opposed to rehashing what other outlets have already reported. DC quotes people on both sides of the political aisle, though it has a favor toward right-wing sources and quotes. The Daily Caller does publish information and content that is contrary to a right-wing narrative. For instance, a top story on the day of review was: "Majority Of Americans Support Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Budget: POLL."

Some examples of sensationalist words/quotes and clickbait: collected on the day of review "Woman Crashes Into Parked Car, Opens Fires On People Coming To Help Her In Deadly Shooting," "Video Reportedly Shows Hunter Biden Naked, Claiming Another Laptop Was Stolen With 'Crazy Sex' In It," 'Can I Just Smoke A Cigarette?': Woman Asks To Smoke Moments After Allegedly Killing Woman In DUI Crash," 'I Wish We Could Just Blow Up All The Trump Buildings': MSNBC Guest Wants Former President Erased From Country's Memory."

Sensationalist terms and qualifying adjectives were also used in headlines, such as (emphasis ours): "Skip Bayless Gets Torched During Incredibly Awkward Segment". 

Daily Caller Rated Lean Right in July 2021 Blind Bias Survey

On average, people across the political spectrum rated content from The Daily Caller as Lean Right in our July 2021 Blind Bias Survey.

This result differed from AllSides’ rating of Daily Caller as Right. We conducted a Small Group Editorial Review, in which a team of people from the left, center and right review the works of the outlet. 

During an AllSides Blind Bias Survey, people from the left, center and right rate content from a media outlet without knowing the source. 

A total of 1,217 people rated The Daily Caller as Lean Right, though close to Center, on average.

A plurality of people who have a Left, Lean Left, Center or Lean Right bias rated The Daily Caller as Lean Right; a plurality of people on the Right actually rated DC as Lean Left

On average, people with a Left or Lean Left bias rated DC as Lean Right; people with a Center or Lean Right bias rated it Center on average; people who are on the Right rated it as between Center and Lean Right on average.


The Daily Caller - AllSides July 2021 Blind Bias Survey

Feb. 2021 Editorial Review: Daily Caller Retains Right Bias Rating

The AllSides team, which is made up of people from the left, center, and right, reviewed The Daily Caller in a Feb. 11, 2021 Editorial Review. The team unanimously agreed that Right remains the appropriate bias rating for The Daily Caller.

We examined The Daily Caller for the common Types of Media Bias, looking at content from the last 6 to 8 months, and found that the Daily Caller did many things right — such as sourcing from both sides, writing relatively balanced body text for its articles, and clearly labeling and distinguishing between News, Opinion, and Analysis content. It displayed bias mostly via story choice, as it clearly focused on stories typically seen as being more of interest to conservatives. It also displayed some sensationalist word choice in its headlines and slant toward the right; left-wing perspectives and viewpoints weren't featured on the site at all.

AllSides found that The Daily Caller didn't generally display many of the types of bias, meaning it largely appeared to display sound journalistic practices, such as citing of sources, making it a legitimate right-wing news source. The Daily Caller appeared clearly biased toward conservative values and perspectives. We saw balance in the reporting, as the reporters appeared to indicate they had reached out to both sides and didn't use super charged language in their prose. Its story choice and presentation were largely on the Right.

Some examples of sensationalist word choice included (emphasis ours), "'NO KNEELING': Trump Slams Drew Brees For Apologizing Over Pro-Flag Stance", "Tucker Blasts Health Care Professionals Who Signed Letter Exempting George Floyd Protests From Coronavirus Restrictions," and "Biden Gets Smashed Among Hispanic Voters In Florida, Georgia And Ohio." Words like "slam," "smash," and "blasts" are noted by AllSides as sensationalism/emotionalism.

Some examples of right-wing story choice included content such as criticisms of Chinese political influence in the U.S., content about Hong Kong sovereignty demonstrators, content skeptical of critical race theory and the woke left; and content about Big Tech censorship and cancel culture toward conservatives.

During the Summer 2020 riots/protests in numerous U.S. cities following the death of George Floyd, The Daily Caller typically focused on the violence and destruction seen in those cities, unlike outlets that AllSides rates as center and left-wing, which either did not report on this or painted a sympathetic view of the protesters.

Some examples of articles we found balanced can be found here and here.

One reviewer who has a Lean Left bias said they were "impressed" with how the Daily Caller reported on the Capitol Hill storming of Jan. 6, 2021, noting that their reporting was not aplogetic of the rioters but was straightforward.

We noted some subjective opinion stated as fact, such as an article that stated, "Teachers' unions are among the most aggressive advocates for requiring teacher vaccinations."

It should be noted that AllSides conducted this review because we had not reviewed The Daily Caller in years, despite them being on our AllSides Media Bias Chart™. A review was triggered when a Daily Caller editor reached out to us; the editor did not state nor imply that he wanted us to change the rating, just that he wanted to discuss how AllSides does things. This brought to our attention that we had not conducted a review since 2018. Our review confirmed our current rating of Right.

Feedback from The Daily Caller Editor: Feb. 2021

Following our Feb. 2021 Editorial Review in which AllSides opted to keep The Daily Caller's rating as Right, editors sent us some feedback arguing they are Lean Right. AllSides found this feedback worthy of publishing and consideration (though we stand by our rating of Right):

1. Site was exceedingly responsible to Biden throughout the campaign and post-election period including: first-ever editorial board piece defending him during the Tara Reade accusations; investigative reporting debunking allegations that Joe Biden benefitted from Hunter's financial deals; acknowledged and referred to President Biden as President Elect as soon as AP called it; debunked the election fraud misinformation in literally hundreds of news stories; and published second-ever Editorial Board piece denouncing the Capitol rioters.

2. We published dozens of fact checks defending President Biden and VP Harris from right wing misinformation online

3. Founder and Publisher posted editorial that led the site praising Biden’s inaugural address:

DC also noted its Two Sides section, which features competing perspectives on an issue, and stated that "the idea that we are devoid of left-wing perspectives is also plum not true," pointing to these pieces: NICHOLS: Biden Is Governing Like The Unifier America Needs, NICHOLS: Democrats Will Prevail In The Georgia Senate Runoffs, and CALABRESI: Trump Should Be Convicted By The Senate.

DC also stated:

Our coverage has included record levels of fact checks posted about election fraud misinformation. Our coverage culminated in a rare Editorial Board piece leading the site and calling for harsh punishments for the criminals who stormed our Capitol. Other highlights:

AllSides provides this feedback from The Daily Caller as part of our commitment to dialogue and transparency.

Jan. 2018 Editorial Review: Daily Caller Moved from Lean Right to Right

The Daily Caller was initially rated Lean Right. AllSides voters were split on whether this was the correct rating. In order to analyze further, AllSides conducted an Editorial Review with people across the political spectrum. The team concluded that The Daily Caller is Right, and the rating was changed on January 10, 2018.

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Community Feedback

Feedback does not determine ratings, but may trigger deeper review.

As of July 2024, people have voted on the AllSides Media Bias Rating for The Daily Caller. On average, those who disagree with our rating think this source has a Lean Right bias.

Confidence Level

Confidence is determined by how many reviews have been applied and consistency of data.

As of July 2024, AllSides has high confidence in our Right rating for The Daily Caller. Two or more bias reviews have affirmed this rating or the source is transparent about bias.

Additional Information

Founded in 2010 by Tucker Carlson, a 20-year veteran journalist and Fox News commentator, and Neil Patel, former chief policy advisor to Vice President Cheney, The Daily Caller is a 24-hour news publication providing its audience with original reporting, in-depth investigations, thought-provoking commentary and breaking news. Since its founding, The Daily Caller readership has grown to more than 20 million unique visitors per month. The Daily Caller also offers mobile apps and newsletters that provide users with more content.

The Daily Caller is a for-profit, independent news outlet that generates revenue via advertising. The Daily Caller covers a range of issues such as politics, business, world news, entertainment, sports, education, technology, outdoors, and energy.

At times, The Daily Caller has been accused of spreading misinformation. In 2020, a Daily Caller article incorrectly described a former Kamala Harris staffer as the Twitter employee who decided to suspend former President Donald Trump from the platform. The outlet later made a correction.

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The Daily Caller Ownership and Funding

Funding and ownership do not influence bias ratings. We rate the bias of content only.

Owner: The Daily Caller, Inc.

The Daily Caller is owned by The Daily Caller, Inc. The Daily Caller was founded in 2010 by Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel. In June 2020, Neil Patel bought out Tucker Carlson’s roughly one-third stake in the company. Subsequently, Omeed Malik was brought in as a minority investor. Neil Patel is the publisher of the Daily Caller as well.

Financing and ownership information last updated April 21, 2023. If you think this information is out of date or needs to be updated, please contact us.

Articles from The Daily Caller

This content was curated by AllSides. See our Balanced Newsfeed.