Story of the Week: Sharp Partisan Divides Mark Start of Senate Impeachment Trial

President Donald Trump's Senate impeachment trial began Tuesday, with each side using opening arguments to attack and diminish the opposition. In a call for civility Tuesday night, Chief Justice John Roberts scolded members of both parties after hours of bitter disagreements and partisan...
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Story of the Week: Impeachment Moves to the Senate

A team of House representatives chosen as "impeachment managers" present the articles against President Donald Trump to the Senate Thursday afternoon, setting in motion the third presidential impeachment trial in U.S. history. Opening arguments begin next Tuesday, when 100 Senators become...
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Story of the Week: Iran, U.S. Trade Missile Strikes as Tensions Rise

President Donald Trump addressed the nation Wednesday morning, saying the U.S. "is ready to embrace peace with all who seek it," after a series of missile strikes in the Middle East seemingly brought tensions between the U.S. and Iran to a head. A U.S. airstrike that killed Iranian Major...
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Story of the Week: Militias Mount Violent Protests at U.S. Embassy in Baghdad

Iran-backed Iraqi militias mounted two days of protests at the United States Embassy in Baghdad, destroying property and trapping diplomats inside, before dispersing Wednesday night as the U.S. began deploying additional military forces to the region. The protests were in response to U.S...
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Story of the Week: Horowitz Testifies on Probe of FBI's Trump Investigation

Justice Department watchdog Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday on his findings in investigating the origins of the FBI probe into President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign. Horowitz's report concluded that no one was vindicated;...
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Story of the Week: Kamala Harris Drops Out of 2020 Presidential Race

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) officially ended her 2020 presidential campaign on Tuesday. Harris reportedly told supporters in an email that her campaign "simply doesn't have the financial resources we need to continue." The senator freshman will be up for re-election in 2022. Commentators...
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Story of the Week: In Testimony, Gordon Sondland Talks Ukraine Quid Pro Quo

Gordon Sondland, the U.S. Ambassador to the Eurpoean Union, testified publicly Wednesday in the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Sondland's statements gave new insight on the alleged "quid pro quo" between Trump and Ukraine; he gave credence to the allegations, saying "...
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Story of the Week: Supreme Court Hears DACA Case

Tracking impeachment: The first publicly televised hearings in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump were held Tuesday, as former diplomat Bill Taylor offered investigators new details of Trump's engagement with Ukraine. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) came before the...
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Story of the Week: State Elections Prompt 2020 Speculation

Tracking impeachment: President Trump called for the whistleblower to testify publicly, as televised hearings on the impeachment inquiry are scheduled to begin next week with three high-profile testimonies. Tuesday's gubernatorial and legislative elections in key states including Kentucky...
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Story of the Week: ISIS Leader Killed In U.S. Raid

Tracking impeachment: Two diplomats testified before impeachment investigators Wednesday about President Donald Trump's attitude toward the Ukraine, while the House of Representatives voted 232-196 Thursday morning to move forward with the impeachment inquiry. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader...
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Story of the Week: Hunter Biden Steps Down from Chinese Company, Admits "Poor Judgement"

Tracking impeachment: Attention has shifted to President Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani , who is accused of pushing the Ukrainian government to investigate the Bidens on Trump's behalf. Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, forfeited his spot on the board of a Chinese private equity firm...
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Turkey Begins Military Offensive In Northern Syria After U.S. Troops Pulled From Region

Tracking impeachment: The White House wrote a letter to the House of Representatives on Tuesday, calling the impeachment inquiry into president Donald Trump "unconstitutional" and refusing to comply with it. Former Vice President Joe Biden publicly called for Trump to be impeached at a...
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Story of the Week: House Launches Trump Impeachment Inquiry

Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the start of a formal House impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump on Tuesday afternoon, saying "the actions taken to date by the president have seriously violated the Constitution." The announcement followed scrutiny of a July 25 phone call between...
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Story of the Week: Questions Surround New Kavanaugh Allegation, NYT Story

A New York Times report last week that detailed another claim of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has been the subject of scrutiny, raising questions about missing details, sources and possible media bias. The original NYT article initially attracted...
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Story of the Week: Taliban Peace Talks Cancelled After Kabul Attack

President Donald Trump said he canceled previously secret negotiations with Taliban leaders after the group claimed a bombing that killed 12, including a U.S. service member, in Kabul last week. Most reporting focused primarily on fallout from the cancellation and a recap of recent Trump-...
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