Headline RoundupNovember 24th, 2022

Mixing Thanksgiving Celebrations With Respect for Indigenous Communities

Summary from the AllSides News Team

As many Americans spend their Thanksgiving eating and relaxing with loved ones, some are calling for a reconsideration of the holiday's meaning as it connects to Indigenous peoples.

How the Columnists Covered It: "Rather than see this holiday as an opportunity to gorge on a meal and dwell on naïve fantasies about a period of accord," Thanksgiving could become "an opportunity to retell the history of the United States, putting Indigenous experiences at the center instead of the periphery," wrote one Los Angeles Times columnist. "We need to be humble," said an Indigenous historian interviewed by Deseret News (Center bias). “What the story needs to be is what we can do together to remember what happened.”

How the Media Covered It: Some left-rated media voices, such as MSNBC's Joy Reid (Left bias), argued that the "myth of Thanksgiving" and the first shared meal between Pilgrims and Native Americans erases "the genocide that followed." Some right-rated outlets focused on those comments and other similar narratives, and framed them as an unjust vilification of the holiday.

Good News: It's easy to focus on divisions in your family. That's why AllSides compiled a guide to issues you may find common ground on this Thanksgiving.

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