Headline RoundupJuly 13th, 2020

Biden Leads Election Polls, Media Urges Caution After 2016 Election

Summary from the AllSides News Team

A new CBS/YouGov poll suggests that President Donald Trump is having difficulty holding onto states he previously won, including Arizona, Florida and Texas. Other polls put Joe Biden at an overall lead of 9.4 percent. Coverage from all sides of the political spectrum, however, urged readers to take the numbers with a grain of salt, pointing to Hillary Clinton's leading election polls in 2016 as a cautionary tale. Analysis from center- and right-rated outlets highlighted the battleground states where Trump won by a marginal Electoral College vote, and the way polls are changing to include more non-college graduates and late deciders. On Fox News' Sunday Morning Futures, Donald Trump Jr. said he thought his father's drop in the polls was due to unfavorable media coverage, and alleged that Biden's newly-released economic plan borrowed from Trump's economic plan.

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