How do I have a non-partisan Thanksgiving?

Happy Thanksgiving from the whole team at AllSides! As much as we all enjoy the delicious food, w e know that Thanksgiving is a time when you might see relatives that you haven't seen in a while. As everyone is sitting around the table, the conversation might turn to politics, and often,...
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Media Bias: Is it a Crime?

According to some, America is facing a new terrorist threat: the media. “CNN IS ISIS,” the sign reads. It’s a stunning accusation — particularly when considering that the media are expected to be a stronghold in American society, charged with holding government accountable. Is the nation’...
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Thanksgiving, Family, Politics

Polarization can destroy more than our government – it can also destroy families and friendships. At AllSides, we're well aware that holiday gatherings can be filled with bitter disputes, rather than lively debates, about political matters. And because we're dedicated to the idea that we...
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Multipartisan Moments in Spite of DC Dramas

This week, even in the midst of scandalous Washington dramas, we saw rays of multi-partisan cooperation. A bipartisan Immigration Reform bill passed in the Senate week . It even involved the unprecedented occurrence of President Obama supportively retweeting Jeb Bush. Are there people on...
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