Headline RoundupJuly 29th, 2016

Is Trump a Snollygoster?

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Trump's shrewd and unprincipled presidential campaign breaks new ground yet again as the official GOP candidate for president of the United States of America publicly asks a foreign power to help him dig up dirt on Hillary Clinton by illegally hacking into her email servers - a violation of US law and an unprecedented invitation to a geo-political adversary to directly participate in an American election to influence its outcome. Or was it all a big joke? Those on the Left, and pretty much everyone in the current foreign policy Establishment didn't think it was funny. Those on the Right, and the media outlets that support them are calling the statement a clear case of 'sarcasm'. You decide - is Trump a snollygoster that will do or say anything to get elected, or is the 'Left Wing' media making something out of nothing?

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