Headline RoundupApril 28th, 2021

Perspectives: Biden's $1.8 Trillion 'American Families Plan'

Summary from the AllSides News Team

The Biden administration on Wednesday unveiled a new $1.8 trillion proposal, titled the “American Families Plan,” which would invest in education, childcare and paid leave while raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans. President Joe Biden is expected to formally announce the proposal during his first joint address to Congress Wednesday evening. Specific provisions of the plan include universal pre-school, two years of free community college, direct financial support to families, a national paid family and medical leave program, and extended tax breaks, including the child tax credit increase from Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill. The plan would also return the top income tax bracket rate to the pre-2017 level of 39.6% and apply that rate to capital gains for households making over $1 million. Some voices from across the spectrum focused on the larger context of Biden's other large spending bills. Voices in right-rated outlets tended to criticize Biden's high spending and tax hikes, particularly the capital gains tax. Voices in some left-rated outlets addressed the plan's impact on families and pointed to proposals that were not included in the families plan.

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