Headline RoundupDecember 5th, 2023

Left-Rated Outlets Publish Warnings of a Second Trump Administration

Summary from the AllSides News Team

A slew of left-rated outlets, from the Washington Post (Lean Left bias) to The Atlantic (Left bias), published articles in recent days criticizing former President Donald Trump and warning voters of the possibilities of a second Trump Administration.

“Trump Dictatorship”: A writer in the Washington Post determined, “Barring some miracle, Trump will soon be the presumptive Republican nominee for president.” The writer expects that once this happens, many Trump critics within the Republican Party and conservative media will drop their opposition to the former president, and he will “loom over the country like a colossus, his every word and gesture chronicled endlessly.” Should Trump win back the White House, the writer argues he will be the most powerful individual to ever hold the office, having demonstrated the court system is too “impotent” to stop him. The writer concludes that a “Trump Dictatorship” is becoming increasingly inevitable.

“Boy-Who-Cried-Wolf Problem”: Byron York (Right bias) determined the slew of anti-Trump articles from left-rated sources to be the result of growing worry about President Biden’s ability to defeat Trump in a general election. York cited the writer of the “Trump Dictatorship” article’s support for the United States’ invasion of Iraq in the early 2000 to argue that it is “sometimes amazing that readers still pay much attention to what he says.” Despite determining that the writers of recent articles warning Americans about Trump have a “boy-who-cried-wolf problem,” York advised Republicans to “take a long, hard look at their choices.”

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