Headline RoundupFebruary 27th, 2022

Photos and Videos Highlight Ukraine Defending Against Russian Invasion

Summary from the AllSides News Team

As Russia carries on its invasion of Ukraine, news outlets across the spectrum have highlighted a number of pictures and videos that help illustrate what the conflict currently looks like.

Photographers from The New York Times (Lean Left bias) and Reuters (Center bias) are on the ground in Ukraine providing Americans a closer look at the ongoing military invasion. Many photos feature the damaged residential buildings and houses in the capital city of Kyiv following a number of missile attacks, as well as Ukrainian soldiers preparing for street combat. Videos circulating on social media depict Ukrainian citizens engaging in firefights, wounded or dead soldiers, anti-war protesters being arrested in Russia and Ukrainians saying goodbye to their loved ones as they stay behind to fight for their country's freedom.

Some outlets have criticized "official" sources and political figures for sharing "false or misleading imagery on social media claiming to be from the conflict." For instance, the official Twitter account for the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense shared footage of an aerial dogfight with the hashtag #stoprussia that fact-checkers later discovered was video game footage. Left-rated outlets were more likely to emphasize how the Biden administration "repeatedly warned" that Russian troops would stage an attack weeks before the invasion began. Breitbart News (Right bias) and other right-rated outlets accentuated how "much media attention has focused on the fighting near the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv until now," and featured many photos from Kharkiv — "the scene of the war’s most significant clashes as of Sunday morning."

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