Headline RoundupMay 7th, 2020

Justice Department Drops Michael Flynn Case

Summary from the AllSides News Team

The Department of Justice dropped its case against former Trump administration national security advisor Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty in late 2017 to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as part of the Russia probe. This comes as recently publicized internal FBI notes put a microscope on the bureau's reason for investigating Flynn; DOJ officials concluded in a statement released Thursday that the FBI investigation was "conducted without any legitimate investigative basis." Right-rated outlets generally framed the decision as a just one, with some advancing conspiracy theories about a 'deep-state' moving to undermine President Trump, seen by many as an establishment outsider. Left-rated outlets were more likely to allude to possible conspiracy within the White House, with some suggesting Trump intervened with this case to spare himself from deciding whether to pardon Flynn if he was sentenced to prison.

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