Headline RoundupNovember 3rd, 2022

Election Denial Warnings: Concern for Democracy or Political Tactic?

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Since former President Donald Trump broke precedent by refusing to concede defeat in the 2020 Presidential Election, warnings of election denialism have become a central pillar of Democratic Party campaign messaging.

Key Quotes: An analysis from the Washington Post found that a majority of Republican candidates in the midterm elections “denied or questioned the outcome of the last presidential election,” leading the Washington Post Editorial Board to call for election reform, writing that legislation is needed to fix the “archaic rules governing the counting and certifying of electoral votes in presidential elections.” A similar sentiment was echoed in a piece by the Forward Party, a recently formed centrist party, who called for bipartisan opposition to election denial, citing the issue as “not a Republican or Democratic concern—it's an American one.”

On the other side, Republicans are pointing to previous instances of Democratic politicians questioning the results of elections won by Republicans, claiming hypocrisy. A piece from Tucker Carlson likened Democratic Party rhetoric to ideological suppression, writing, “question the system. and they haul you away. Those are the rules now as hundreds of imprisoned Republicans can personally testify if they could speak.” Additionally, a writer in the Washington Post claimed Democrats’ “panicky rhetoric on election denialism” is a tactic to distract from party failings.

For Context: With the midterm elections next week, warnings of election denial are being reiterated, most recently in a speech given by President Joe Biden on Wednesday. 

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