Headline RoundupNovember 4th, 2022

Are Democratic Candidates Ignoring Voter’s Economic Worries?

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, the rival parties are at odds not only on the solutions to America’s problems, but the importance of the problems themselves.

Key Quotes: In an interview with Fox News (Right Bias), House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) said the threat of autocracy was more pressing than economic concern, stating, “I don't know if anybody will say I would rather pay $10 or even 10 cents, or even 20 cents less per gallon and allow you to take my rights away.” On the economy, writers on the left have addressed worry, framing U.S. inflation and Democratic economy policy in the context of problems faced globally. An opinion piece in the Daily Beast (Left Bias) compared Biden’s handling of the economy with Republican predecessors, determining that “ten of the last 11 recessions began under Republicans.”

On the other side, Republicans say Democrats are using “threats against democracy” as a distraction against economic failings. An opinion piece in Fox News blamed government spending for inflation, alleging Democrats were sacrificing the economy to buy votes, asking, “are we willing to jeopardize America’s future solely for cheap political wins?” A Washington Examiner (Lean Right Bias) editorial stated Democrats are focusing on issues “nobody cares about” except for those “completely addicted to politics,” specifically citing the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

For Context: In a recent poll from NewsNation (Center Bias), 44.5% of respondents cited ‘inflation’ as the most important issue impacting their voting decisions. 

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