Headline RoundupMay 5th, 2022

Tracking Abortion Protests in Response to Supreme Court's Roe v Wade Leak

Summary from the AllSides News Team

People have taken to the streets nationwide in reaction to a leak that suggests the Supreme Court plans to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Activists have organized protests and rallies outside the Supreme Court and other federal courthouses across the country. Some activists are also reportedly planning protests at the homes of conservative Justices Amy Coney Barrett, John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch. One group has called for a "Mother's Day Strike" to start next week, in which women would refrain from "all economic activity." The D.C. Police Department built fencing around the Supreme Court building this week in preparation for more protests this weekend.

News coverage from sources on the left and right has highlighted the new fencing around the Supreme Court and the protests prominently, including one in Los Angeles that led to clashes between protesters and police. Reports from right-rated sources continue to focus more on the leak and framing it as a crime potentially driven by leftist political agendas. Some reports from the right highlighted the apparent plan to stage protests outside the homes of justices; few reports from the left covered this. Coverage from left-rated sources instead tends to highlight voices who express concern for women's rights if the court overturns Roe, especially racial minorities and low-income individuals.

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