Headline RoundupJuly 21st, 2020

Health Experts, Public Officials Weigh In On Reopening Schools

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Many schools transitioned to online schoolrooms after the coronavirus outbreak in mid-March; now, as back-to-school season approaches, public officials, health experts and educators weigh in on the debate surrounding in-person classrooms. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and other health organizations released a statement July 10 advocating for the safe reopening of schools. The statement recognized that while children learn best when physically present in a classroom, "a one-size-fits-all approach is not appropriate for return to school decisions." Studies report that children who contracted the virus were less likely to transmit the disease to people they contact; are more likely to be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms; and generally recover fully in 1-2 weeks. Voices from the right, including Missouri Gov. Mike Parsons, tended to focus on studies showing how quickly children can recover from the virus. Coverage from left- and center-rated outlets generally concentrated on the fact that while children were more likely to recover from the virus or be asymptomatic, the purpose of remote schooling is to protect children from catching the virus and spreading it to teachers and family members.

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