Headline RoundupAugust 25th, 2023

Fed Chair Jerome Powell Says Inflation 'Remains Too High' in Annual Address

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell indicated that more interest rate hikes are on the horizon as the government continues to fight high inflation.

Key Quote: "Although inflation has moved down from its peak — a welcome development — it remains too high," Powell said Friday in his address at the Kansas City Fed’s annual retreat in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. "We are prepared to raise rates further if appropriate, and intend to hold policy at a restrictive level until we are confident that inflation is moving sustainably down toward our objective." 

For Context: The Federal Reserve's target inflation rate is 2%; last month, the annual rate was 3.2%. Another rate hike would be the 12th in the last 18 months. Mortgage rates, which typically move in the same direction as federal interest rates, are at a two-decade high.

How the Media Covered it: Powell's comments were a top story from finance-focused sources across the spectrum Friday. Most sources suggested that more interest rate hikes are imminent. Axios (Lean Left bias) said that "Despite recent data that shows inflation receding, the Fed is not declaring victory with signs that price pressures could re-emerge." Fox Business (Lean Right bias) said Powell "struck a hawkish tone" in his speech.   

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