Headline RoundupApril 24th, 2023

How Can America Fix Its Mass Shooting Problem?

Summary from the AllSides News Team

This week, outlets across the spectrum examined America’s mass shooting problem and what may help solve it.

Protect People Like We Protect Animals: Former director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Dan Ashe, writing for New York Times, argues waterfowl are better protected from guns than students and teachers because of an old U.S. law that limits magazine size when hunting. He believes President Biden should prohibit firearms capable of shooting more than five or 10 rounds without reloading on federally-funded or licensed properties.

A Congress Divided: An analysis by The Hill describes a blue-red divide in Congress and mentions an upcoming push by House Democrats for increased regulation on gun ownership that Democrats are pessimistic won’t pass. The writer contrasts Democrats’ legislative-based philosophies on finding a solution with Republicans’ focus on mental health as a key driver of the tragedies.

Less Regulation: Reason highlights a decline in violent crime from the early 1990s until 2020 as other crimes spiked, while more citizens purchased firearms during that time. The writer argues mass shootings are a symptom of a society suffering from a mental health crisis and declining trust, and cites an American Psychological Association report that found 79% of psychologists saw an increase in anxiety disorders since the pandemic. They also say America’s political divisions and reluctance to obey previous gun laws suggest a fix will be a longer and more intensive process than just implementing new legislation.

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