Headline RoundupJuly 13th, 2023

Report Explains Which Jobs are at Highest Risk of AI Takeover

Summary from the AllSides News Team

A new report suggests that 27% of jobs are at "high risk" of being overtaken by artificial intelligence (AI).

The Details: The report comes from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a global policy group with 38 member countries, including the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

Key Quotes: "When considering all automation technologies including AI, 27% of jobs are in occupations at high-risk of automation," the report states. "While the adoption of AI still remains relatively low, rapid progress, falling costs and the increasing availability of workers with AI skills indicate that OECD economies might be on the brink of an AI revolution."

How the Media Covered It: Some coverage gave opposite impressions about what the report said. Fox Business (Lean Right bias) said that according to the report, "Low-to-middle skilled jobs are most at risk, including construction, farming, fishing, forestry and, to a lesser extent, production and transportation," and that "high-skill occupations are still at least risk of automation." Conversely, The Guardian (Lean Left) said "highly skilled jobs" such as "law, medicine and finance" are at highest risk of AI takeover. 

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