Headline RoundupMay 25th, 2024

Four Years Later: The Legacy of George Floyd

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Saturday marked the fourth anniversary of the killing of George Floyd, drawing widespread media coverage and perspectives.

Erased Progress: The Editorial Board of The Los Angeles Times (Lean Left bias) claimed America is currently “in the midst of a backlash movement that is trying to rewrite the narrative, the legacy and even the facts of the killing.” The Times accused conservative politicians of taking advantage of “the slow movement of reform and fears of crime” to push back against “hard-fought progress on policing and racial justice reforms.”

BLM’s Legacy: Kat Rosenfield of UnHerd (Center bias) described the legacy of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020 as a “combination of corporate bloat and urban blight… In which the lives of ordinary black people were overlooked in favor of more photogenic diversity efforts centered on politics.” Rosenfield argued progressive activists were eager to forget the movement as early as 2022 “once the marching-shouting-posting action was over” and “reporters discovered that the $90 million raised by Black Lives Matter had been squandered on, among other things, a party house in Los Angeles.”

Minneapolis Hit Hard: An opinion from John Hinderaker for The New York Post (Right bias) argued that since the Floyd-spurred riots in 2020, downtown Minneapolis has become “a shadow of its former self.” Hinderaker cited a violent crime rate well above pre-2020 levels that he attributes to a “badly understaffed” police department, vacant buildings, and widespread homelessness as signs of decline.

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