Headline RoundupJanuary 12th, 2024

South Africa Accuses Israel of Genocide at International Court of Justice

Summary from the AllSides News Team

South Africa accused Israel of enacting a genocide against Palestinians in Gaza at the International Court of Justice on Thursday. Israel said South Africa distorted the truth.

The Details: Lawyers representing South Africa argued that Israel’s purportedly genocidal acts included mass killings, forced displacement, food and water blockades, and destruction of Gaza’s healthcare system. Pointing to Hamas’ deadly October 7 attacks, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the opposite was true: “Israel is accused of genocide while it is fighting against genocide.

‘Powerful Case’: Nimer Sultany (Not Rated), a Palestinian citizen of Israel, wrote in The Guardian (Lean Left bias) that South Africa’s accusation was “a wake-up call for many Western governments and media outlets that uncritically supported Israel’s savage war.”

‘Time to Ask Some Hard Questions’: Fareed Zakaria (Center bias) argued in The Washington Post (Lean Left bias) that Israel’s war was not a genocide. However, he questioned whether the destruction in Gaza was proportionate, saying it was “being perpetrated by a deeply unpopular government in Jerusalem that is trying to salvage its reputation.” Israel should ask these questions now, Zakaria wrote, “so that it does not look back on this episode with shame and regret.”

‘Political Theater’: The Wall Street Journal (Opinion rated Lean Right) Editorial Board said South Africa was volunteering “to be legal counsel for Hamas” and “sees U.N. grandstanding as a way to curry favor with Russia, China and Iran.” The editors also noted cases where South Africa turned a blind eye to dictators and mass killings in Africa.

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