Headline RoundupNovember 30th, 2022

Trump's Dinner With White Nationalist Draws Backlash From McConnell

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Last week, former president and 2024 candidate Donald Trump dined with rapper and fashion designer Ye, formerly known as Kanye West. The dinner was at Trump’s Florida residence, Mar-a-Lago. Ye brought a third guest to the dinner, Nick Fuentes, a right-wing media personality that AP described as a “Holocaust-denying white nationalist.”

For Context: Trump stated that he did not know who Fuentes was prior to the dinner and did not invite him. This was echoed in statements from Fuentes. Ye has also recently faced criticism for statements characterized across the spectrum as antisemitic. Trump announced a third run for the White House earlier this month.

Key Quotes: Reuters quoted Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell stating, “there is no room in the Republican Party for antisemitism or white supremacy, and anyone meeting with people advocating that point of view, in my judgment, are highly unlikely to ever be elected president of the United States.” Fox News quoted Trump responding, stating that McConnell was “a loser for our nation and for the Republican Party.”

How the Media Covered It: The controversy is being covered across the spectrum. AP called it the “dinner disaster,” and used the story to claim the old Trump political playbook was no longer effective. Much coverage is focusing on the response from Republican leaders, such as Republican Senate leader McConnell and Republican House leader McCarthy, in line with the ongoing narrative of dissatisfaction among Republicans regarding Trump’s continued influence over the party.

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