Headline RoundupFebruary 28th, 2024

Will In Vitro Fertilization Treatment Be a Central Issue in 2024 Elections?

Summary from the AllSides News Team

The Alabama court ruling that embryos created through in vitro fertilization treatments are children continues to raise questions and spark debate on the political, culture, and healthcare implications of the case.

From the Left: A writer in USA Today (Lean Left bias) argued that the IVF issue will compound political struggles for Republicans, stating, “Abortion has been a losing issue for Republicans since Roe fell. Infringing on IVF and contraception will be more of the same.” Outlining the party’s internal divide on reproductive issues, the writer determined Republicans are “caught between public sentiment about reproductive rights and conservative institutions like the Heritage Foundation.” This will spell trouble in upcoming elections, the writer concluded. “It's bad policy. And it's bad politics. And they will own it from now till November.”

From the Right: A writer in the Washington Examiner (Lean Right bias) determined IVF “enjoys widespread political support across both sides of the aisle” and that there “may be little political or moral appetite to confront the problems presented by IVF.” Despite this, the writer determined the Alabama ruling “laid bare the fundamental ethical and moral problems with IVF,” arguing it “treats the creation of a child as a commodity to be bought and sold,” “opens the door for a eugenic approach to creating new human beings,” and creates a culture where “human beings can be bought, sold, and killed, even at the earliest stage of development.” Beyond 2024, the writer concluded, “It is a problem that will not go away.”

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