Headline RoundupJune 24th, 2021

Pelosi Announces House Select Committee on January 6th

Summary from the AllSides News Team

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday that she would establish a select committee to investigate the January 6th Capitol riot, four weeks after Senate Republicans blocked the creation of an independent bipartisan commission. “The select committee will investigate and report on the facts and the causes of the attack and it will report recommendations for the prevention of any future attack,” Pelosi said. Following reports that Pelosi was considering a select committee, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Wednesday that he was sure the committee would be political “because that's the whole way that she's handled it.”

Coverage on all sides varied on saying whether Pelosi herself, House Democrats or the House of Representatives would create the committee. Some coverage on all sides also compared this select committee to the committee created by Republicans in 2014 to investigate the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya. 

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