Headline RoundupOctober 18th, 2022

New UK PM Already Facing Calls to Resign

Summary from the AllSides News Team

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss is facing calls to resign from within her own Conservative Party after reversing on many portions of a new economic plan that called for tax cuts and an energy production plan.

Key Quotes: “I ask you to stand down as Prime Minister as I believe you no longer hold the confidence of the country or the parliamentary party,” a letter from Conservative Member of Parliament Jamie Wallis said. “It is the right thing to do to ensure the stability, security, and prosperity of the people to whom we owe everything.”

For Context: Truss replaced outgoing head of state Boris Johnson just six weeks ago, promising an aggressive economic reform package. Since then, investors have voiced their concern over the British government's ability to meet debt obligations, and Truss announced that she would eliminate portions of her plan. She also dismissed Finance Minister Kwasi Kwarteng. His successor, Jeremy Hunt, led the charge to reverse Truss's tax cut plan.

How The Media Covered It: Some right-rated sources noted that the push for higher fossil fuel production appears to remain intact in the prime minister's agenda. Some left-rated sources focused on how financial markets were "spooked" by the fact that Truss had not provided details on how she would pay for tax cuts and spending increases.

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