Headline RoundupApril 25th, 2024

Supreme Court Appears Skeptical of Trump's Immunity Argument

Summary from the AllSides News Team

On Thursday, the Supreme Court heard arguments regarding whether 2024 candidate and former President Donald Trump is immune to criminal prosecution for his actions while in office.

For Context: In response to the federal indictment against Trump regarding his actions during and in the aftermath of the 2020 election, Trump’s legal team is arguing that a former president cannot be criminally prosecuted for events that occurred while they were in office. This argument has failed in the lower courts. 

Details: Outlets across the spectrum agreed that the majority of the justices appeared skeptical of the Trump team’s immunity argument. The justices presented a series of hypothetical situations to the lawyers, such as a sitting president ordering the assassination of a political rival, and asked if the president would still be immune from prosecution. Trump’s lawyers also cited a law shielding presidents from civil prosecution while in office, arguing this law also extends to criminal prosecution. While the justices appeared unlikely to agree with the immunity argument, they also appeared skeptical of parts of the Department of Justice’s indictment against Trump. Outlets predicted the justices would issue a middle-ground ruling that would narrow the scope of the indictment and further delay the trial. 

How the Media Covered It: Outlets across the spectrum emphasized the importance of timing in regard to Trump’s trial, agreeing that Thursday’s arguments and the justices’ stances raised the likelihood that Trump would not face trial before the November presidential election.

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