Headline RoundupOctober 13th, 2020

Senate Kicks Off Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court Hearing

Summary from the AllSides News Team

The Supreme Court began Judge Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearing to fill the seat of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Monday. This is the start of a four-day hearing in which Barrett will face a line of questioning from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. During the hearing, Barrett is expected to answer questions regarding her position on abortion, the role of precedent, the Affordable Care Act, and if she plans on recusing herself from litigation on the upcoming presidential election. Since Barrett is expected to have support from a majority of both the committee and the Senate, many speculate that the questioning will have little effect on the outcome of Barrett's hearing. Coverage from the left tended to analyze Barrett's stances on individual issues such as abortion and the Affordable Care Act; some left-rated outlets also highlighted D.C. protests in response to Barrett's appointment. Several right-rated outlets highlighted Democrats' criticism of Barrett, often coming to her defense.

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