Headline RoundupFebruary 8th, 2023

Recapping Sarah Huckabee Sanders' Response to Biden's State of the Union

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R) gave the Republican response to President Joe Biden's State of the Union address last night.

The Details: During her 10-minute remarks, she criticized many of Biden's policies and called for a "new generation of Republican leadership". She also stated that Biden was for "government control", but that she was for freedom, and believed that government exists to serve the people.

Key Quotes: "The choice is between normal or crazy," Sanders said.

For Context: Sanders served as White House Press Secretary under former President Donald Trump for two years. She's the nation's youngest governor at age 40, and is the first female governor of Arkansas. The daughter of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, she represents both traditional Republican values and support for the populism of Trump. Her rebuttal to the State of the Union follows the tradition of young, rising political stars from the opposing political party - often outside of Washington - delivering remarks in response to the president's speech.

How the Media Covered it: Sanders's remarks were covered across the political spectrum, with many sources mentioning her description of America's divisions as being not between right or left, but "normal or crazy."

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