Headline RoundupSeptember 13th, 2023

Biden Impeachment: Political Theater or Legitimate Misconduct Probe?

Summary from the AllSides News Team

What will come of the impeachment probe into President Joe Biden launched by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)?

From the Left: Left-rated voices argue the probe is political theater pushed by the far-right branch of the House Republicans, who are using the party’s thin majority to hold McCarthy “hostage” by threatening to oust him from the speakership. A writer for the Daily Beast (Left bias) said McCarthy “made his deal with the devil” during the speaker vote in January and is now being forced to launch the probe in order to get far-right Republicans to vote in favor of spending bills. A writer in The Atlantic (Left bias) also argued the probe is “as much about exacting revenge on behalf of the twice-impeached former President Donald Trump as it is about prosecuting Biden’s alleged misdeeds.”

From the Right: Right-rated voices are split on the potential outcome of the probe. Noah Rothman (Lean Right bias) stated that Republicans “do not yet have a smoking gun,” but determined Democrats were prematurely dismissing allegations of misconduct committed by Biden “given the degree to which the GOP’s investigations have produced new and discomfiting evidence undermining Biden’s public statements.” A writer in the Washington Examiner (Lean Right) warned that “the public is sick of and disgusted with politicized death matches” and, “to threaten to kick a president from office is to threaten massive political upheaval of a sort that should be reserved for only rare and serious offenses.”

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