Ford and Kavanaugh Testify, Leaving Senators to Grapple With His Confirmation

Both Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday delivered emotional testimony about allegations of sexual assault against the judge, sending waves through Washington as lawmakers grapple with whether or not he should be confirmed to the Supreme Court. Ford's supporters say that...
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Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Allegations Reignite #MeToo Debate

Senators have officially delayed the confirmation vote for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh amid the sexual assault allegations against him, reigniting debate over the merits of the #MeToo movement. Some contend the 36-year-old accusation is unsubstantiated and politically motivated...
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Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings Spark Partisan Feud

Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation hearings began on Tuesday, sparking heated debate across the aisle as the nominee could change the high court's makeup for decades . Opponents claim that his record will damage liberal causes, particularly women's rights, same-sex marriage, and...
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President Trump Nominates Brett Kavanaugh to Supreme Court

President Trump announced the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, who, if confirmed, will fill the vacancy left by Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement. Many on the Right have praised the selection as a victory for constitutional conservatism, while some on the Left...
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Supreme Court Cake Ruling Heralded by Both Sides

The Supreme Court on Monday ruled in favor of Christian baker Jack Phillips who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. Some on the Left have said that the verdict is a victory, as the Court's majority opinion does not sanction a First Amendment right to discriminate, but instead...
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Is President Obama over-reaching his Presidential powers? Depends on what you think about immigration.

Yesterday, I was reviewing our front page here at AllSides. Though our technology and the crowd drives much of what you see on our site, one of the things we still do manually is assign a title to our Top Story, the three headlines on the same topic from differing perspectives at the top...
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