This week, the US Supreme Court is examining four cases about whether or not the Constitution gives same-sex couples the right to marry regardless of the laws passed in their state. At issue: Equality and civil rights? States' sovereignty? Religious liberty? It depends who you ask.
Snippets from the Left
New York Times
"Remarkably few of the Bible’s spiritual heroes exemplify what Americans now consider 'traditional marriage': Abraham had two wives, Sarah and her handmaiden, Hagar; King David and King Solomon had many wives; Jesus and his apostles apparently never married; the Virgin Mary was married but conceived Jesus outside the marital union; Paul urged his colleagues to remain unmarried (as he did), unless their passions overwhelmed them.
Assume that I am wrong and that the Bible unequivocally demands that marriage be defined as one man, one woman. Does that require people of faith to disrespect and exclude gay couples? No, it doesn’t."
Snippets from the Right
Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
"'Should citizens and the states decide this most fundamental matter or federal courts?'
'The Supreme Court case is going to determine whether or not citizens or judges get to define what marriage is in the 50 states,' Anderson explained.
Jacob stated, 'Traditionally, family law including marriage has been state law. It's been primarily something that states controlled in their sovereignty.'
Cathy Ruse, of the Family Research Council, added, 'And the law in this case is clear: states have always had authority to make marriage policy decisions. So the question before the justices is, 'Do we now take that away from states?'"
Snippets from the Center
Wall Street Journal
"Legal trends and public opinion have moved toward embracing same-sex marriage with remarkable speed, but Tuesday’s arguments didn’t indicate an outcome recognizing a right for gay unions was preordained.
The court’s liberal justices challenged the rationale four states offered for denying marriage to gays and lesbians, while conservatives questioned why the court shouldn’t leave the question to popular will and legislative wisdom.
Justice Anthony Kennedy—author of the court’s three landmark opinions expanding gay rights since 1996 and likely the deciding vote—gave weight to both sides."