Brett Kavanaugh: All You Need to Know
Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination has been rife with partisanship, with a series of tense confirmation hearings followed by testimony of alleged sexual misconduct made against him by Dr. Chrisine Blasey Ford.
See coverage from across the political spectrum as media outlets weigh in on the events.
Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings were divided along party lines, with Republicans and Democrats sparring over key issues as the nominee could change the makeup of the high court for decades.
Much of the discussion surrounding Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination has revolved around his stance on abortion, with debate swirling around whether or not he would help overturn Roe v. Wade. Some have criticized the nominee's judicial record as proof that he will disregard legal precedent, while many others argue that the landmark decision is unconstitutional and should indeed be reversed.
See coverage from Reuters, Vox, and Washington Examiner:
Although Kavanaugh's judicial record has no decisions related to LGBT rights, some have expressed fear that he will vote against the interests of the minority community, particularly in terms of workplace discrimination.
Further, during his confirmation hearing, Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris asked if he thought Obergefell v. Hodges, the landmark case that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, was correctly decided. His refusal to answer the question prompted some to speculate that he will work to reverse the decision, while others noted that it is standard procedure for nominees to abstain from providing their opinions on any given case.
See coverage from The Federalist, Washington Post, and PBS NewsHour:
Reactions are mixed on how Brett Kavanaugh will impact organized labor if confirmed to the Supreme Court, with detractors saying he will damage workers' rights and supporters arguing that such claims are unjustified and hypocritical.
See coverage from The New York Times Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal, and The Daily Caller:
Both Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh delivered emotional testimony in front of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee about her allegations of sexual assault, sending waves through Washington as lawmakers grapple with whether or not he should be confirmed. Dr. Ford alleges that, while in high school, Mr. Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed, tried to remove her clothing, and grinded against her while covering her mouth to muffle her screams.
As the Senate Judiciary Committee begins to review the FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) releases a statement saying there was no corroboration of the accuser's allegations.
See coverage from Washington Post, Townhall, and The Hill:
President Trump drew backlash from senators and pundits across the aisle on Wednesday for mocking the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. “Upstairs? Downstairs? Where was it? I don’t know. But I had one beer. That’s the only thing I remember,” said Trump.
See coverage from Wall Street Journal, Washington Examiner, and Washington Post:
Julie Swetnick, the third woman to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, spoke about her allegations on Monday in an interview with NBC News. Several details have changed from the sworn statement she submitted to the Senate last month, leading some to question the veracity of her claims.
See coverage from NBC News, Fox News, and USA TODAY:
The FBI has contacted Deborah Ramirez, who has accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. The accusations were said to have occurred when Kavanaugh was a Yale student.
See coverage from Fox News, USA TODAY, and CNN:
Friend of Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, has agreed to cooperate with the FBI probe. Judge has denied Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations that he witnessed Kavanaugh sexually assault her when they were in high school.
See coverage from Fox News, Reuters, and CBS News:
Senate Republican leaders have agreed to pursue a brief FBI investigation into claims of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after GOP Sen. Jeff Flake indicated he would not vote for his confirmation otherwise.
See coverage from Washington Post, Washington Examiner, and NPR:
On Thursday, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee about the alleged sexual assault from the time they were both in high school.
See coverage from RealClearPolitics, San Diego Union-Tribune, and NPR:
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh denied allegations of sexual assault in an impassioned testimony, emotionally and defiantly criticizing Senate Democrats for turning the confirmation process into a "national disgrace" and orchestrating a "political hit" against him.
See coverage from Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and HuffPost:
Christine Blasey Ford has finished testifying about her allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, with Democrats widely praising her and Republicans expressing caution ahead of Kavanaugh's planned testimony this afternoon.
See coverage from Washington Examiner, USA TODAY, and The New York Times:
Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford gives an emotional testimony in detailing her sexual assault allegation.
See coverage from CNN, Reuters, and Fox News:
Democrats and Republicans are preparing to hear testimony from Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday, as Ford offers sworn statements from 4 people to corroborate her allegations.
See coverage from CNN, Reuters, and CBN:
A second woman has come out with allegations about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, as Democrats call for an immediate halt to the nomination process.
See coverage from CBN, CNN, and USA TODAY:
Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford says she is open to testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week if certain logistical and safety conditions are met.
See coverage from CNN, CBN, and Wall Street Journal:
Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, wants an FB investigation before she'll testify.
See coverage from Washington Post, CBN, and The Hill:
The last minute public accusations of sexual impropriety while in high school by Brett Kavanaugh has some arguing that this is an unfair political ambush by those who will stop at nothing to oppose him while others argue it is reasonable and responsible to continue the hearings for this Supreme Court nominee.
See coverage from Wall Street Journal Opinion, CNN Opinion, and PBS NewsHour:
Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, have been called by the Senate Judiciary Committee to answer questions at a public hearing on Monday.
See coverage from Wall Street Journal, Reason, and CNN Opinion:
GOP Senators Jeff Flake (AZ) and Bob Corker (TN) joined Democrats in urging a delay in the vote on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination until the Senate Judiciary Committee hears from the woman accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault.
See coverage from New York Post, Washington Post, and BBC News:
The anonymous woman who wrote a confidential letter to Congress accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of committing sexual assault while in high school has revealed her identity and published details of the allegations in The Washington Post.
See coverage from USA TODAY, Washington Post, and Townhall:
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