Headline RoundupMarch 21st, 2024

Congressional Leaders Unveil $1.2 Trillion Bipartisan Spending Bill

Summary from the AllSides News Team

On Thursday, Congressional leaders released a $1.2 trillion bipartisan spending measure to fund the government through September. Both chambers need to pass the bill by tomorrow to avoid a government shutdown.

The Border: The bill allocates $496 million to hire 22,000 Border Patrol agents and increases spending on border security technology by 25%. Democratic lawmakers touted that no money is allocated to constructing a border wall, and $29.9 million is allocated to reunification efforts of families “unjustly separated at the U.S.-Mexico border by the Trump Administration.”

Defense: The bill increases defense funding by $27 billion and includes the largest pay increase for military service members in over 20 years. It also cuts $50.5 million from military diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and $574 million from climate change programs.

Key Quotes: Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX), chairwoman of the Appropriations Committee, stated, “House Republicans made a commitment to strategically increase defense spending, make targeted cuts to overfunded nondefense programs and pull back wasteful spending from previous years. I am proud to say that we have delivered on that promise, and this bill is proof.” Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), a top Democratic appropriator, stated, “This bipartisan bill ensures our work force is strong, that families are healthy and safe, and that the future of our children is secure.”

How the Media Covered It: Outlets across the spectrum are emphasizing the speed at which this bill needs to advance to avoid a shutdown.

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