Headline RoundupApril 15th, 2023

Why Many Taxpayers Are Receiving Smaller Refunds This Year

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Many taxpayers are receiving smaller tax refunds this year than in previous years.

The Details: Tax professionals and the IRS have attributed the smaller refunds to the expiration of several pandemic-related boosts to tax credits and deductions." A recent Bank of America analysis reportedly showed that many wealthier taxpayers are actually receiving larger tax refunds this year. Researchers believe there may be a correlation between receiving higher tax refunds and owning a stock portfolio.

For context: In a year of high inflation, many taxpayers will use their tax refunds to pay off debt, according to a Bankrate survey. The Biden Administration previously pushed to renew bigger child tax credits for families, but the extension was voted down by Congress. Just this week, the IRS released an $80 billion spending plan that is aimed at increasing enforcement and services.

How The Media Covered It: Sources across the spectrum covered the news similarly, emphasizing that the smaller refunds are the result of pandemic-era policy expirations. MarketWatch was the most in-depth in their coverage, offering analysis on smaller refunds disproportionately affecting working and middle-class taxpayers.

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