Headline RoundupMay 5th, 2022

Where Does Biden Stand on Abortion?

Summary from the AllSides News Team

President Joe Biden's stance on abortion has evolved over time.

Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Biden said "basic fairness and the stability of our law demand" that Roe v. Wade be preserved. He called abortion protections "a fundamental right" and pledged to "work to pass and sign into law" legislation codifying Roe v. Wade, while also saying he's "not prepared" to judge whether the Senate should remove the filibuster to do that

In the past, Biden's stance on abortion rights has been inconsistent. In 1981 as a senator, he voted for a constitutional amendment to allow states to overturn Roe. He then opposed it when it came up again for vote in 1982. Biden was also a longtime supporter of the Hyde Amendment, which banned federal funding for abortions, before shifting to oppose it during his 2020 presidential campaign.

Coverage from many right-rated outlets, as well as some left- and center-rated ones, frames abortion as an uncomfortable issue for Biden. Many news sources on the right highlight Biden's former support for allowing states to overturn Roe, and frame him as a hypocrite for invoking his Catholic faith while also supporting abortion rights. Left-rated outlets haven't covered Biden's personal abortion stance as much. One analysis from AP Politics (Lean Left bias) said leading the fight for abortion rights is "not a natural role for [Biden], despite his longtime defense of a woman’s right to choose."

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