Twitter Suspends Journalist, Because Defining “Hate Speech” is Harder Than You’d Think

On Nov. 25, Twitter temporarily suspended Andy Ngo , a journalist known for documenting political violence, due to a tweet he sent to Chelsea Clinton. The suspension is a case study in differing definitions of “ hate speech ” on the left and right. Last week, Clinton retweeted the Human...
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Introducing the AllSides Media Bias Chart

Editor's Note: Some information may be outdated. View the latest version of the AllSides Media Bias Chart here . Introducing the 2019 AllSides Media Bias Chart, an easy way for you to identify political bias in the news so you can be better equipped to navigate our increasingly polarized...
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VIDEO: How AllSides Spots Media Bias

AllSides has rated the media bias of nearly 600 media outlets and writers, from The New York Times to The Blaze to BuzzFeed and everything between and beyond. We assess media outlets using a patented and transparent media bias rating methodology . Learn more about how we do it in the...
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VIDEO: What is AllSides?

Each day, it seems there's another intense partisan fight heating up Congress or sparking ire on our social media feeds. How have we become so polarized? As described in our new video above, media bias — and the technology that enables it — is a huge factor. News, social media feeds and...
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Updated Media Bias Ratings: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Vox, and more

AllSides Media Bias Ratings are fluid and subject to change as media outlets evolve over time or we acquire new information. This is why t he AllSides team recently decided to review a number of media outlets in our quest to provide unbiased news. We determined the following media bias...
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Media for the Common Good: Part Two

Editor’s Note: In Part One of this series, we discussed the positive impact that journalism can have when it tells stories that bring people together. While AllSides works to improve journalism by revealing media bias and providing balanced news (some would call it unbiased news, but...
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Is Breaking News Broken?

Is the addiction to being the first to deliver a news story killing the quality and reliability of our news organizations? CBS and NBC both incorrectly identified the Navy Yard shooter in tweets this week. “NBC News: we are now NOT reporting name of shooter; retracting that report...
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