Should Students Have Free Speech? When it Comes to Pro-Palestine Protests, The Left and Right Switch Sides

As Israel continues striking targets in Gaza, pro-Palestinian protests have cropped up on college campuses across the nation. Some of these protests have led to the arrest of student activists, sparking conversation about whether students have the right to protest on campus.
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‘Anti-Israel Agitators’: Fox News Uses Unique Language to Describe Gaza Protesters

In recent weeks, Fox News (Right bias) has adopted a unique name for those publicly protesting Israel’s military activities in Gaza — “ anti-Israel agitators .” Headlines including this language were frequently featured at the top of the homepage, signaling that Fox News...
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The Top Misinformation of 2023

2023 leaves many unanswered questions. However, it’s not always as simple as real versus fake or true versus false.
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Why University Presidents Find it Hard to Punish Advocating Genocide − College Free Speech Codes are Both more and Less Protective Than the First Amendment

Campus codes at private colleges and universities seek to resolve the conflict between the right to speak freely and the educational mission of the institution. The ham-handed and over-legalistic responses by the three university presidents show how this attempt to balance speech and safety can create confusion, conflict and the opportunity for selective enforcement decisions based on academic fashion, not values of free and open debate.
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