Misinformation Watch: Is Biden Deporting More Unauthorized Migrants Than Trump?

Reuters published a report on Monday claiming President Joe Biden is deporting more unauthorized migrants than former President Donald Trump. Some sources have claimed that the Reuters report is misleading because it conflates "returns" of unauthorized migrants with "removals."
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When the President Dances on the Border

His new asylum policy is the most stringent action that a Democratic president has ever taken on immigration matters, and it will still be considered insufficient by many Americans, but that is a very nuanced bit of political positioning at a time when voters tend to prefer absolutes rather than shades of gray.
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When Immigration Reform Might Actually Happen

From the Center It’s been almost 40 years since Washington accomplished anything of significance on immigration policy. Over the course of a generation, the crisis has continued to worsen, but partisan-fueled paralysis has prevented any real progress from happening. That may be about to...
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