Headline RoundupMay 17th, 2024

Illusionist David Copperfield Denies Decades-Long Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Renowned magician, David Copperfield, is caught in a series of sexual misconduct allegations spanning decades and involving 16 women.  Copperfield's legal team denied the accusations, dismissing them as "completely false and entirely implausible".

The Details: Copperfield, whose real name is David Seth Kotkin, is a popular figure in the entertainment industry recognized for his ability to combine storytelling with magic tricks. However, his reputation is under severe scrutiny following a Guardian (Lean Left bias) investigation that exposed sexual misconduct allegations. The report claims three women were drugged and subjected to non-consensual relations by Copperfield. Several of the accusers stated their contact with him came about through his work in the entertainment industry, either during or after his performances, with many alleged victims being underage at the time.

For Context: This isn’t the first time Copperfield has been accused of such misconduct. He’d been previously accused by one of the 16 women cited in The Guardian's report and is also facing scrutiny over ties to Jeffrey Epstein. However, the illusionist continues to be a real-life ally to sexual abuse victims, proclaiming support for the #MeToo movement and proposing the need for prevention of false accusations.

How the Media Covered It: Outlets across the spectrum connected Copperfield to the unsealed Epstein court documents. Outlets on the left usually provided more detail into the allegations, utilizing alleged victim statements, while outlets on the right focused more on Copperfield’s defense of the allegations.

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