Headline RoundupFebruary 26th, 2024

What's Keeping Nikki Haley in the Race?

Summary from the AllSides News Team

After losing the Republican primary in her home state of South Carolina, voices across the spectrum are speculating as to why Nikki Haley is continuing her presidential campaign.

From the Center: An analysis in the Wall Street Journal (Center bias) determined Haley is “demonstrating the inconvenient fact that a sizable portion of the Republican primary electorate isn’t on board with another Donald Trump nomination, no matter how inevitable it seems.” The piece cited how Haley received 40% of the vote in South Carolina, a “remarkable showing for a candidate with no plausible path to victory.”

From the Left: A writer in CNN Opinion (Left bias) argued that “Haley’s increasingly sharp criticism of the former president stands out in a party whose leaders are, for the most part, eager to show the MAGA universe that they are true Trump believers, whatever they may say in private.” Despite her continued resistance against Trump, the writer did not dismiss the possibility that before November, Haley would end up, using her own words, “kiss the ring” and endorse Trump.

From the Right: A writer in the Washington Times (Lean Right bias) argued Haley is going through the stages of grief and is suffering “delusions of victory.” The writer stated that Haley’s true goal was to “lose to Mr. Trump in her own home state with less terrible numbers than she had lost to Mr. Trump in New Hampshire. Well, by every measure, she failed.” The writer concluded, “Some people can never get enough humiliation.”

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