Headline RoundupJanuary 28th, 2024

Is The Proposed Border Deal A Good Idea?

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Congress is yet to pass a border security deal, as media across the spectrum continue to share perspectives on the matter.

Self-Inflicted GOP Wound: An opinion from The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board (Lean Right bias) criticized the Republicans for not yet capitalizing on “their window for a rare accomplishment” in arriving at an agreement with Democrats. It highlighted former President Donald Trump’s growing influence on the matter and internal divisions within the Republican Party, and argued that “giving up on a border security bill would be a self-inflicted GOP wound.”

Ignore Trump: Andrew McCarthy of National Review (Right bias) argued that the “emerging” border deal is a bad idea, independent of the fact that Trump has expressed opposition to it. McCarthy argued that Trump’s opposition to a deal is political, because he doesn’t want to see Biden notch a “win” right before the general election. He said Republicans getting something passed could present them to the public as resilient to Trump’s influence, but urged readers to “not be fooled” and understand that “it’s a bad deal” full stop.

The Dreamers: An opinion from The Washington Post’s (Lean Left bias) editorial board said “a bright spot of bipartisanship” in immigration talks has always been a path to citizenship for dreamers, but that recent talks have “scarcely” mentioned them. It mentioned President Obama’s DACA program as something that was supposed to be a temporary solution and criticized Congress for still not making headway on a more permanent approach.

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