Analysis: Republican-led States Lead Democrat-led States in Economic Recovery in November

Posted on AllSides December 20th, 2021
From The Right
Economy and Jobs, economic recovery, economic policy, red states, blue states
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

States with Republican governors and legislatures are leading Americans back to work quicker than those led by Democrats, according to an analysis of the state-by-state unemployment data from the Department of Labor.

The analysis of the Labor Department’s November unemployment data from the Republican National Committee (RNC) research team uncovered that the Republican-led states continued to outperform Democrat-led states in job recovery for 17 of the top 20 states, and the lowest unemployment in 16 of the top 20 states.

“More jobs are being recovered and unemployment is lower in red states,” the RNC research team wrote.

Without interruption from a Democrat-led state,...

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