John Stossel

AllSides Media Bias Rating™: Lean Right
Lean Right What does this mean?

How we determined this rating:

  • Independent Review
  • Community Feedback:   ratings
  • AllSides has medium confidence in this bias rating.

Unless otherwise noted, this bias rating refers only to online news coverage, not TV, print, or radio content.

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John Stossel
John Stossel
Bias Rating Lean Right
Type Author
Region National
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What a Lean Right Bias Rating Means

The source displays media bias in ways that moderately align with conservative, traditional, libertarian, or right-wing thought and/or policy agendas.

Learn more about Lean Right ratings

About John Stossel's Bias Rating

John Stossel is a author source with an AllSides Media Bias Rating™ of Lean Right.

What a "Lean Right" Rating Means

Sources with an AllSides Media Bias Rating of Lean Right display media bias in ways that moderately align with conservative, traditional, libertarian, or right-wing thought and/or policy agendas. A Lean Right bias is a moderately conservative rating on the political spectrum.

Learn more about Lean Right ratings


John Stossel's AllSides Bias Rating™ of lean right makes sense given his libertarian political views, meaning he leans right on fiscal issues and leans left on social matters. As of July 2017, a majority of over 150 AllSides community members agreed with our bias rating. The author’s style combines reporting and commentary reflecting a libertarian political philosophy on economics, largely supportive of a free market. For example, he called government intervention “a folly,” emphasizing his preference of personal responsibility and deregulation.

On social issues he falls well left of center, favoring the legalization of marijuana, recreational drugs, gambling, prostitution, gay marriage and assisted suicide. Stossel’s work has been criticized by several progressive organizations, including Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, Media Matters for America and

More on John Stossel 

John Stossel is an American consumer television personality, author and libertarian pundit. Stossel worked at ABC News for 28 years before joining Fox News in 2008. As a reporter, Stossel has received numerous honors, including 19 Emmy Awards, as well as being honored five times for excellence in consumer reporting by the National Press Club. 


Wikipedia: John Stossel 

Fox News: John Stossel 

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Community Feedback

Feedback does not determine ratings, but may trigger deeper review.

As of July 2024, people have voted on the AllSides Media Bias Rating for John Stossel. On average, those who disagree with our rating think this source has a Lean Right bias.

Confidence Level

Confidence is determined by how many reviews have been applied and consistency of data.

As of July 2024, AllSides has medium confidence in our Lean Right rating for John Stossel. An Editorial Review or Blind Bias Survey has affirmed this rating, or multiple reviews have returned differing results. If we perform more bias reviews and gather consistent data, this confidence level will increase.

Articles from John Stossel

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