Brent Bozell

AllSides Media Bias Rating™: Right
Right What does this mean?

How we determined this rating:

  • Independent Review
  • Community Feedback:   ratings
  • AllSides has high confidence in this bias rating.

Unless otherwise noted, this bias rating refers only to online news coverage, not TV, print, or radio content.

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Brent Bozell
Brent Bozell
Bias Rating Right
Type Author
Region National
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Wikipedia Brent Bozell
What a Right Bias Rating Means

The source displays media bias in ways that strongly align with conservative, traditional, or right-wing thought and/or policy agendas. A Right rating is our most conservative rating on the political spectrum.

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About Brent Bozell's Bias Rating

Brent Bozell is a author source with an AllSides Media Bias Rating™ of Right.

What a "Right" Rating Means

Sources with an AllSides Media Bias Rating of Right display media bias in ways that strongly align with conservative, traditional, or right-wing thought and/or policy agendas. A Right bias is the most conservative rating on the political spectrum.

Learn more about Right ratings


The AllSides Bias Rating™ for Brent Bozell is 'right,' though, as of July 2017, many have rated him 'lean right'. Townhall describes Bozell as “one of the most outspoken and effective national leaders in the conservative movement today.” Bozell’s content analysis organization, The Media Research Center, has a stated mission to prove “that liberal bias in the media does exist and undermines traditional American values.” He founded the Parental Television Council, the Conservative Communications Center and the Cybercast New Service, as well as the Culture and Media Institute, which has a goal of reducing “the negative liberal influence on American morality, culture, and religious liberty.” 

More on Brent Bozell

Founder and President of the Media Research Center, Brent Bozell is a lecturer, syndicated columnist, television commentator, business, author and activist. Established in 1987, the Media Research Center has made “media bias” a household term by tracking it daily and reposting compiled evidence. Bozell is the nephew of late conservative writer and National Review founder William Buckley. 



Wikipedia: Brent Bozell

Wikipedia: Media Research Center


Media Research Center

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Community Feedback

Feedback does not determine ratings, but may trigger deeper review.

As of July 2024, people have voted on the AllSides Media Bias Rating for Brent Bozell. On average, those who disagree with our rating think this source has a Lean Right bias.

Confidence Level

Confidence is determined by how many reviews have been applied and consistency of data.

As of July 2024, AllSides has high confidence in our Right rating for Brent Bozell. Two or more bias reviews have affirmed this rating or the source is transparent about bias.