
Typically, the term is heard and used to broadly mean cross-partisan  - with others differentiating it from bipartisan by its greater focus on seeking understanding and compromise, as well as shared beliefs across political differences.  

First used by the founder of Spiral Dynamics with inspiration from Don Beck Wilber's Integral Theory, the term transpartisan has emerged to provide a meaningful alternative to bipartisan and nonpartisan.  Embedded for some in a spiritual belief related to the "oneness of being" and for others, a practical belief in our interdependence, transpartisan approaches see conservative and liberal themes as part of a single whole -with an aim to "transcend and include" and reach "both and" solutions. Turner and Chickering, for instance, call upon a political discussion that acknowledges a four quadrant matrix that invites new synergies, rather than a continuum or spectrum alone.  

For many that idea comes bundled with assumptions about the possibility and desirability of unity, such that the "trans" in "transpartisan" means to them something more like "transcending"- instead of something like "crossing" or "bridge-building" in the face of continuing differences and disagreements that may be embraced as healthy and productive. As such, some experience transpartisan as potentially antagonistic to political, business, civic, and religious leadership - or reflecting an implicit progressive assumption that a full participation of people across the spectrum will result in a stronger society.