Headline RoundupMay 26th, 2020

Trump's Push of MSNBC Host Conspiracy Theory Met by Calls for Censorship

Summary from the AllSides News Team

President Donald Trump's tweets promoting a conspiracy theory about MSNBC host Joe Scarborough have prompted calls for Twitter to step in and potentially censor his account. As part of an ongoing feud with Scarborough, Trump has suggested an unproven theory that the "Morning Joe" host was involved in the 2001 death of 28-year-old intern Lori Klausutis, who worked for Scarborough when he was a Florida congressman. Klausutis's widower and Scarborough's co-host and wife Mika Brezenski have asked Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to delete the tweets, citing the pain of the memory and accusing the president of exploiting the death for political gain. Some left-rated voices backed the calls for censoring Trump's tweets. Twitter reportedly has no plans to remove the tweets, but is "working to expand existing product features and policies so we can more effectively address things like this going forward," according to a spokesperson.

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