Headline RoundupMay 19th, 2020

Perspectives: The Trump Administration and Inspectors General

Summary from the AllSides News Team

The removal of State Department Inspector General Steve Linick on Friday marked the fourth time in six weeks a federal watchdog has been ousted by the Trump administration. Questions regarding what Linick and others did to deserve being fired are fueling speculation about possible White House retaliation against perceived internal threats; inspectors general are assigned to each executive branch agency to monitor agency operations and probe supposed cases of misconduct or abuse. Many reports indicate that Linick was investigating potential State Department misconduct in completing a $7 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia last year. Many left-rated voices have framed the firings as "dangerous" abuses of power, arguing that Trump is creating a tyrannical precedent for future presidents to follow. Some right-rated voices moved to justify Trump's purported efforts to fire officials who he thinks undermine his ability to fulfill presidential duties.

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