Headline RoundupSeptember 19th, 2023

Norfolk Southern Unveils Plan to Compensate East Palestine Homeowners

Summary from the AllSides News Team

Norfolk Southern, the owner of the derailed train that caused a toxic spill in Ohio earlier this year, released a plan Monday to compensate those affected by the accident.

The Details: Under the plan, the company will pay area property owners any difference between the amount they receive for selling their homes now and the value of their homes before the derailment. The agreement covers those living within a 5-mile radius of the site. 

For Context: The train released over 1 million gallons of hazardous materials when it derailed and caught fire in February. Norfolk Southern estimates the derailment to cost around $803 million, in addition to the yet-to-be-determined cost of the homeowner compensation program.

How the Media Covered It: Many left- and center-rated sources covered the news, but few covered it prominently. Many highlighted continued health concerns in communities near the accident site. No right-rated sources covered the news at the time of this writing, which is notable because many right-rated sources thoroughly covered the accident and immediate aftermath.

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